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< BELAdobe Systems >

Nagarro Software

(Software Developer)

Hi guys,

Nagarro Software came to NIT Bhopal around January 2012. It has regular off-campus too. It is headquartered at San Jose, California and has high growth rate for employees. In India, it has five buildings in Gurgaon. Its recruitment process differs from place to place. For mine, it consisted of one aptitude and one technical paper of 1 hr each in the college + one technical paper, one technical interview and one HR interview at Nagarro Office.

Technical Paper:
Both technical paper consisted of 5 programming questions. Some questions that I remember are listed below:
1. Given an array of positive and negative integers. Find all sub-arrays having zero sum. e.g. {-5, 3, -1, -2, 4}. output: {3,-1,-2}, {-5, 3, -2, 4}, and so on...
2. Given an array of zeros and ones. Find the largest continuous sub-array containing equal number of zeros and ones. e.g. {0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1}. output:

Technical Interview:
Questions of technical papers are discussed in technical interview. Candidate is supposed to explain his approach for solving the question.

HR Interview:
This interview is meant to check candidate's background and candidates's interest towards the company.


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